Think you and Legion of Sin MC are a mutal fit? That might be the case, just know that membership doesn't happen overnight. A lot of work is put into Motorcycle Clubs and Legion of Sin MC is no different. Part of that process is for everyone to get to know eachother and get into what it takes to keep this club going. The basic requirements are you're 18 years of age or older, you're kinky and/or practice BDSM, you ride a motorcycle, and you're ok with being in a Motorcycle Club that is a mix of all genders, races, religions, political parties, military service, and sexual orientations. Yes, we are a unique club, but like the others we live our lives our way and don't force our beliefs on anyone else. We don't want bigots, racists, sexists, nepiophiles/pedophiles/hebephiles/ephebophiles, sex offenders, or law enforcement of any kind. If you're still interested, fire off a contact form under the Contacts menu to the chapter in your area, or to the Lost chapter if there is no Legion of Sin chapter in your area.